Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cultural Diversity

   I think my neighborhood is not culturally diverse. I say this because their are only hispanics in the area that I live in. By it not being culturally diverse I don't really know how it is to be in a community with people from different cultures.


DOMA(Defense of Marriage Act) enacted in 1996, mentioned that the states arent legally required to recognized same sex marriagesthat might be legal in other states. I think that homosexuals should have equal treatment like everyone else. their marraige should count everywhere they go. I think their should be no discrimination because we are all humans. They should be treated equal even because of their differences.


I think that the anti-abortion billboard with the little black girl is in fact a racist advertisement. The reason I say this is because in my opinion not only african americans get abortions but so do other races. Also women or girls who get raped are often looking for abortions. I think abortions are a very bad thing but then again it depends on the situation. So for the people who made up the billboard I think it was not accurate or in their right to say or present the information they did.


My Name Is Manuel Rodriguez. And I am a graduating Senior at A. Maceo Smith High School. I am in Ms. Stovall's sociology class second period. After i graduate from high school I'm plannig to attend UTA and stugy engineering.